Senior lawyer remanded to Luzira over Shs4b theft

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Drama unfolded in court on Monday as senior lawyer John Matovu, 62, was charged and remanded to Luzira prison over alleged theft of Shs4.1 billion meant for war loss compensation to Busoga Growers Cooperatives.

Matovu appeared before Principal Magistrate Albert Asiimwe, denying two charges of theft by agent and conspiracy to defraud.

“That is a false, malicious charge which cannot be sustained and if I defeat them (state) I will go after them. It is going to be an expensive charge. The charges are intended to persecute me as I am being used as a scapegoat,” Matovu told the court.

Despite his lawyers’ application for temporary release, citing his advanced age, financial stability, and health condition, the magistrate remanded him to Luzira prison until August 16. ‘

“I have arrived at the fact that the accused person will appear in this court for the hearing of his application on September 2, and therefore he needs time to prepare for the application. In the circumstances, I direct that counsel for the applicant serves the court and the prosecution a copy of the search certificate of the land title they seek to rely on as security together with written consent from the spouse of the surety on August 15 and bail ruling considering the circumstances of this case will be on August 16. The accused person in the meantime is remanded until then,” Mr Asiimwe held.

Matovu is jointly charged with three others, including Charles Basoga, chairperson of Busoga Growers Cooperative, and Fred Makada, another lawyer who did not appear in court.

The prosecution alleges that they misused their positions to steal funds meant for war compensation, with Matovu accused of stealing Shs4.1 billion and Makada accused of stealing Shs1.2 billion.

Prosecution states that between 2018 and 2023 in Kampala and Jinja districts being employed as a district commercial officer, Jinja District Local Government and chairperson of Basoga Growers Cooperative Union in abuse of authority of his employer  Mr Muganza did an arbitrary act, prejudicial to the interest of his employer to wit, received Shs250million funds meant for war compensation to Busoga Growers Cooperative Union while Mr Basoga received over Shs 569million.

It is further alleged that Mr Muganza and Mr Basoga put the said money to his personal use knowing or having reason to believe that such act would cause financial loss to Busoga Growers Cooperative Union.

On the two counts of theft by agent that the two lawyers separately face, the prosecution states that while being entrusted as advocates for Busoga Growers Cooperative Union to pursue war loss compensation claim from government Mr Matovu between the year of 2018 and 2023 stole Shs4,051,500,000 billion while Mr Makada stole Shs 1,210,000,000 billion funds meant for war loss compensation.

Prosecution also contends that Mr Muganza, Mr Matovu and Mr Basoga and others still at large conspired to defraud Shs4,051,500,000 billion funds meant for war loss compensation to Busoga Growers Cooperatives.

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