Sam Johnson criticises Black Stars’ attitude over disappointing AFCON Qualifiers results


Former Ghana defender, Sam Johnson has expressed concern over the attitude of the Black Stars players.

According to Sam Johnson, in an interview on Peace FM, the losses of the team can be partly attributed to the attitude of the players.

I will always stand by them, but this time I am getting fed up because, in football, you can go on the field and maybe the field is not good and things don’t go well, but your attitude on the field shows that you are committed to playing for Ghana,” he said.

However, the Communications Director of the Ghana Football Association (GFA), Henry Asante Twum, has a counter perspective on the commitment of the players. According to him, he doesn’t share the view that Black Stars players lack commitment.

“I do not buy the ideology that these players are not committed. I’ve not recovered from the shock. I cannot believe how poor we were on the day and how ordinary the team was in our game against Niger.”

After losing to Angola by one goal and drawing with Niger 1-1, the Black Stars face a challenging qualification to the 2025 tournament.

The team is scheduled to play Sudan in their next match on Monday, October 7, 2024. The match, which was supposed to be played in Ghana, now also faces challenges with the venue as the Confederation of African Football (CAF) has declared the stadia in Ghana as not up to standard for such matches.

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