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Comedian Patrick Salvado Criticizes Commercialisation of Ugandan Churches, Decries “Fake Miracles”

Salvado Criticizes Commercialisation of Ugandan Churches

(Ugandan Churches)Prominent comedian Patrick Salvado has voiced strong criticism over the growing commercialisation of churches in Uganda. In a recent statement, Salvado expressed deep concern about how church leaders appear to prioritize monetary contributions, fostering the impression that financial donations are synonymous with divine favor.

Salvado pointed out the alarming rate at which new churches are emerging across the country, with new establishments appearing almost weekly. He highlighted how these leaders often target the most vulnerable members of society, exploiting their desperation to expand their congregations.

A particularly troubling tactic, according to Salvado, is the performance of “fake miracles.” He argued that these staged events are designed to deceive followers into believing in the supernatural power of the church, further encouraging them to part with their money.

Salvado’s remarks have sparked a significant conversation about the ethical practices of religious leaders in Uganda, shedding light on the need for greater scrutiny and accountability within the rapidly expanding religious landscape.

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