Russia set to spread its cultural influence in Chad through its new Russian House



As reported by Sputnik, the center which is now situated within Chad’s capital; N’Djamena, celebrated its inauguration in its new building.

“This center is more than just a building; it is a symbol of friendship and cultural exchange between our countries,” Safia Akhmat Ibrahim, president of the Russian House, remarked.

Russian language, culture, and educational initiatives are promoted throughout Africa through the Russian Houses, cultural institutions run by the humanitarian organization Rossotrudnichestvo.

These give resources for enhancing friendship and cooperation between Russia and African countries, in addition to facilitating academic exchanges and cultural engagement.

Additionally, the facility holds Chad’s largest collection of Russian literature, with over 200 books, establishing itself as an important point for the diffusion of Russian culture and knowledge.

Furthermore, the Russian House has played a significant role in developing Chadian-Russian media cooperation.

The institute has collaborated on important events such as the Day of Chadian Culture in Moscow and the Week of Chadian Cinema, which according to Sputnik, will mark the 60th anniversary of Chad-Russia diplomatic ties in late November 2024.

The House of Africa is meant for Russian roundtable discussions, seminars, and big gatherings with African delegations.

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