Runners to bank millions in Mt. Rwenzori Marathon


Banking giant Standard Chartered is the latest high-profile partner to commit to supporting this year’s Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon.

Slated for August 24 in Kasese, the marathon has already unveiled big partners, including Coca-Cola, Toyota by CFAO and Rotary Club.

Standard Chartered has now joined the trail by offering a Shs140m package that will cater for prize money for runners in the different categories.

In a press conference held at the bank’s head office in Kampala Tuesday morning, Sanjay Rughani, the Standard Chartered Bank CEO, and Rwenzori Marathon Team Lead Amos Wekesa revealed the importance of the marathon.

“As Standard Chartered, we are very pleased to sponsor the Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon to a tune of Shs140m this year,” Rughani revealed to the press.

He added: “The funds will be used to increase the prize money for all race categories including special cash prizes for the best local talent from the Rwenzori region and Persons with Disabilities. With our increased sponsorship, we aim to make this marathon more lucrative and attractive for athletes who also use it as a springboard to participate in international competitions now that it is accredited.”

With the sponsorship, winners in the 42km race will walk away with Shs10m while those in the 21km category have a Shs7m token. There will also be cash prizes for the top six finishers in the 42km and the top five in the 21km.

Special cash prizes will also be given to the best local talent from the Rwenzori region and Persons With Disabilities, further emphasizing the marathon’s commitment to inclusivity and community support.

Beyond the sponsorship, the bank’s involvement will stretch to environmental initiatives like tree planting in the Rwenzori region.

Rughani said: “Since inception, we have been planting trees in Kasese in a bid to support efforts to preserve the natural beauty of the Rwenzori Mountains and its surroundings, ensuring that this iconic landscape can be enjoyed for generations to come.”

The sponsorship is expected to boost the competition as runners look to leave Kasese a buck richer.

“As we gear up for another exciting edition of the Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon, we are deeply grateful to Standard Chartered Bank for their unwavering support,” Wekesa told the press.

“Their sponsorship is not just an investment in the marathon but a testament to their commitment to the people and the environment of Uganda. Together, we are running towards a healthier, more sustainable future,” he added.

Close to 2,000 runners from 30 countries have already registered for the third edition of the marathon. The event will cover distances of 42km, 21km, 10km and 5km. 

Tusker Lite Rwenzori Marathon

Men’s 42km: Shs10m for the winner, with cash prizes for the top six finishers.

Ladies’ 42km: Shs10m for the winner, with cash prizes for the top six finishers.

Men’s 21km: Shs7m for the winner, with cash prizes for the top five finishers.

Ladies’ 21km: Shs7m for the winner, with cash prizes for the top five finishers.

Categories: 5km, 10km, 21km, 42km

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