REVEALED: Full List of 12 Promoters of People’s Front for Freedom Party

Wafula Oguttu is lead Promoter of PFF.webp

By Our Reporter




The Katonga based FDC Party faction today, 27th August, 2024 applied to the Independent Electoral Commission to register their new Party called People’s Front for Freedom Party (PFF).


In a letter dated today, 27th August, and seen by this reporter, the People’s Front for Freedom Party (PFF) has got 12 Promoters who duly signed on the letter requesting IEC to register it.


They are; Wafula Oguttu, Hon Ojok B’Leo, Hon Oduman Albert Charles Okello, Mr. Katembeya Stanley Tugume and Ms Bassima Sarah Ssengendo.


Others are; Ms Nanyonjo Susan, Mr. Wanda Ronald Samuel, Ms Ingrid Turinawe Kamateneti, Mr. Opoka Kenneth Geoffrey, Ms Nakasolya Jane Lubega, Ms Kunihira Proscovia and Ms Mutesi Anne Marie.


The 12 appended their signatures, telephone numbers and National ID numbers on the letter to the Electoral Commission.


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