Resting shelters enhance the Kagulu rock climbing experience – The Kampala Report

A team of tourists pitch camp in one of the resting shelters

A team of tourists pitch camp in one of the resting shelters

The Minister of Tourism in the Busoga Kingdom, Hellen Namutamba, says that the construction of resting shelters at various points along Kagulu Rock in Buyende District has significantly enhanced the amenities, allowing people of all ages to enjoy the rock-climbing experience.

Situated at 3,600 meters above sea level, Kagulu Rock offers climbers a breathtaking aerial view of the Busoga sub-region, as well as parts of Teso and Bukedi. Namutamba noted that the cool breeze at the summit of Kagulu Rock is a key attraction for tourists. However, some visitors were previously deterred by the challenging non-stop upward climb, with many tiring out halfway.

Namutamba revealed that, following a 500 million Shilling development fund for Kagulu Rock, donated by President Yoweri Museveni, they were able to construct staircases during the first phase of development, which was completed in the post-COVID-19 period. She added that the second phase included the construction of three resting shelters along the climb, providing climbers with refreshing spaces to pause and rest on their way to the top.

Namutamba also pointed out that the shelters, combined with the flat top area of the rock, similar to South Africa’s renowned Table Mountain, offer climbers ample space for mini-parties, campfires for night adventures, and other recreational activities. Michael Kanaku, the L.C.V Chairperson of Buyende District, confirmed a significant increase in tourism numbers, from 100 monthly visitors in 2022/2023 to an average of 800 in 2023/2024, thanks to the added amenities.

He noted that both local and international tourists, particularly from Germany, the USA, South Korea, Japan, and South Africa, now spend more time at Kagulu Rock due to these improvements. The neighboring communities have also experienced economic benefits from the increased tourist activity. Allan Matende, a local resident, mentioned that the rising popularity of night-time campfires, particularly among foreign tourists, has boosted the sale of livestock, chicken, foodstuffs, and beverages during overnight stays.

Another resident, Sarah Abaliwano, shared that tourists are particularly excited by banana stem-woven mats, often choosing to sit on them during their mini-parties in the resting shelters. She added that many tourists also rent locally made huts for accommodation during their adventures in the Kagulu Rock area.

Najib Kisubi, another resident, leads a team of about 20 youths who are frequently hired by tourists as security guards for late evening parties and night-time campfires at the top of the rock. Kanaku emphasized that the new shelters, along with sanitary facilities and ample parking spaces, have significantly boosted tourism, even attracting school groups. He urged the surrounding communities to develop creative ideas to tap into the growing adventure market at Kagulu Rock.

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