Residents lock police post, accuse OC of corruption, criminal collusion

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Angry residents in Kabarwa sub-county, Bukedea District, on Thursday locked up the local police post, demanding the immediate transfer of its officer in charge, Mr Wilbroad Oile.

The protesters accused Mr Oile of corruption, selective enforcement of the law, and collusion with criminals. Several gathered at the Kabarwa police post, carrying placards that read, “Oile is corrupt, transfer him immediately!” They barricaded the officer’s office with thorns and tree branches, forcing police officers to flee while Mr Oile locked himself inside until midday, when assistance arrived from Bukedea Central Police Station.

The unrest was sparked by an incident on Wednesday, where a group of young men, known to Mr Oile as vigilantes, assaulted a boda boda rider only identified as Oberyang, leaving him fighting for his life. Witnesses reported that the beating occurred in plain view of the officer.

“Mr Oile has been siding with criminals to terrorize the community. We cannot continue to work with him, which is why we are demanding his immediate transfer,” said resident Julius Otim. Another resident, who wished to remain anonymous, accused Oile of being so corrupt that he only responds to security issues when money is involved. “He has turned into a criminal, siding with gangs that steal our livestock and assault us,” the resident added.

The protest paralysed activities in the area, affecting the Kabarwa Sub-county headquarters, Kabarwa trading center, and local schools.
Kabarwa Local Council III chairperson Ben Angura expressed his concerns about Mr Oile’s performance, citing multiple failures in addressing community security. He accused the officer of accepting bribes from violent criminal gangs in exchange for protection.

“A group of young men wanted for attempting to form a militia has returned and is staging roadblocks, assaulting people mercilessly. Despite numerous reports, the OC has failed to respond,” Mr Angura said. He recounted incidents where a young boy was abducted and injured after raising an alarm, as well as the burning of a motorcycle during a recent assault.

Attempts to contact Mr Oile for comment were unsuccessful, and the DPC’s phone went unanswered. However, Bukedea Resident District Commissioner (RDC) William Wilberforce Tukei confirmed that he had met with the DPC and agreed to transfer Mr Oile from Kabarwa.

“In fact, he will not only be transferred but will also face administrative action and charges for his misconduct,” Mr Tukei stated. He added that security agencies are actively investigating the issues raised, including the suspected gang activities and the involvement of a soldier in training local gangs.

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