Precious Remmie grills Catherine Kusasira about her marriage


During the interview, Ray P didn’t hold back with her questions.

Ray P: “Catherine, you’re a married woman. Do you enjoy your marriage, or are you staying just for the kids?”

Catherine Kusasira responded with a laugh: “That’s quite the question! But for many women, after having children, we often settle down because of the kids, despite the challenges. That’s how most of our parents raised us. I make my children happy, but I no longer prioritise pleasing my husband as I used to.” [Both laugh]

Ray P continued: “What’s your experience in marriage, considering you’ve been in it for a while and you’re also a performer? How do you balance it all?”

Catherine replied: “My husband and I understand each other, and if you have that, marriage becomes easy. Problems usually arise when you fail to understand each other.”

Ray P asked: “How do you find time for your children?”

Kusasira confidently answered: “It’s a mother’s duty to instill discipline in her children because we spend the most time with them. I’ve raised my kids well, so even if I passed away today, they’d know how to take care of themselves.”

Ray P: “Do you know how to cook?”

Catherine proudly responded: “I’m an excellent cook!”

Ray P joked: “When are you hosting us?”

Kusasira smiled and said: “Anytime you want! There’s always food at home, even if you come late at night, and it’s always warm. No one can beat my cooking!”

She went on to reveal that she’s the only one who cooks for her husband, and when she’s away, her husband prefers to eat at a restaurant rather than have the maid cook.

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