Pomp, colour as Kiwanga Parish celebrates six years of spiritual growth – The Kampala Report


On August 18, 2024, all roads led to St. Joseph Mukasa Balikuddembe Parish in Kiwanga as it marked six years of existence.

The colourful function was held at the parish grounds where the Lugazi Ordinary, the Rt Rev. Christopher Kakooza, led Holy Mass, which commenced at 9:30am.

The ceremony began with a procession accompanied by uplifting hymns performed by the Maria Assumpta Sub-Parish Choir.

In his homily, Bishop Kakooza addressed the thousands of Christians in attendance, emphasizing the importance of attending mass on Sunday. He reminded them that Sunday is a special day, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the hope of eternal life.

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The Clergy and the religious pose for a photo with the Bishop after mass

“This is the day the Master rose from the dead,” he proclaimed, urging the faithful to embrace Sunday as a day of prayer and renewal.

At the celebration, the Bishop confirmed over 100 candidates, using the occasion to educate the congregation about the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. He explained that these sacraments fall into three categories: the sacraments of Christian initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist), the sacraments of healing (Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick), and the sacraments at the service of communion and mission (Holy Orders and Matrimony).

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Parish Priest Fr Charles Kabuusu addressing Christians

He reassured the faithful that the Anointing of the Sick is not a farewell, but a source of strength, encouraging them to understand the significance of each sacrament in their spiritual journey.

Bishop Kakooza also highlighted the strategic location of Kiwanga Parish, noting its role as an entry point for visitors to Lugazi Diocese. He urged the parishioners to maintain the church’s reputation and excellence, emphasizing continuous growth and community development.

The Bafumbo during the Holy Sacrifice of Mass

The parish priest, Fr. Charles Kabuusu, took the opportunity to warmly welcome the bishop to Kiwanga. He expressed gratitude to the congregation for their overwhelming support throughout the years. “The mark of excellence is visible today,” he declared, acknowledging God’s blessings over the past six years. Fr. Kabuusu also shared updates on the construction of a new presbytery, which, once completed, will house offices for the priests and accommodation for them. He invited the bishop to officiate the groundbreaking ceremony for a new state-of-the-art church on the day of the presbytery’s official opening.

Mr. Andrew Galabuzi Muguluma, the head of the parish laity, reflected on the parish’s humble beginnings.

He recounted that Kiwanga Parish was established on August 18, 2018, by Rt. Rev. Kakooza, who appointed Rev. Fr. Charles Kabuusu as the first parish priest. Originally a sub-parish under Namiryango Parish, Kiwanga has grown to include three sub-parishes—St. Andrews, St. Bruno, and Maria Assumpta—and currently serves a Christian community of approximately 7,100 members within 925 families.

Notably, Kiwanga Parish has also nurtured its vocational aspects, producing one ordained priest, Fr. Wamala Henry, and two religious nuns. The parish is home to Mother Kevin Primary School, the only Catholic-founded school in the area, while extending services across several privately owned schools.

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Bishop Kakooza officially commissions the St Joseph Grotto

The head of the Laity used the same occasion to present a gift of an acoustic guitar to the ordinary marking his 25th Year of Episcopate and 40 years as a priest. The bishop thanked Kiwanga Parish for such an exciting gift. He said music composed from a guitar transferred to piano is usually wonderful.

Ongoing projects include the completion of the presbytery, St. Bruno Church, and the construction of a new parish church, alongside initiatives for income-generating activities and the establishment of a Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization (SACCO) to support the development of parishioners.

The parish executive led by the parish priest Fr Kabuusu takes the bishop around the presbytery.

As the day concluded, the celebration transitioned into a lively atmosphere filled with a sumptuous meal and merry-making, allowing parishioners to bond and celebrate their faith and community spirit. The anniversary of St. Joseph Mukasa Balikuddembe Parish is not just a reflection of its past achievements but a hopeful outlook towards a promising future, enriched by the unwavering love of Christ and the commitment of its members.

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