Political commentator Tamale Mirundi dies 

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Political commentator and presidential advisor on media matters, Joseph Tamale Mirundi is dead.
The former presidential press secretary died of lung-related complications on Tuesday at around 11:40pm at Kisubi hospital in Kampala, according to family sources.

“He has been in hospital for over a month. He had even started showing signs of improvement. On Sunday and Monday, he seemed okay. The doctors said he had water in his lungs. They have been sucking it out. However, today his health condition deteriorated and when they tried to suck the fluid out, it was blood,” one of his sons told this reporter on phone. 

Mirundi was sacked by President Museveni as his press secretary in July 2015, a postition he had held for about 13 years.
Since then he has been appearing on different televison stations and vlogs commenting on politicsan current affairs. 

Born in 1964 to Molly Namatovu and Yowana Mirundi, the outspoken National Resistance Movement (NRM) members went to Rubaga Senior Secondary School for higher education and later joined Makerere University.

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