Police Warns New Vision News Paper Over ‘Theft of IGP’s Official Car’ Story

ACP Rusoke Kituuma e1720441334761

By Our Reporter




The Uganda Police Force has come out to criticize, the New Vision, a government owned daily publication for what it calls, ‘inaccurate and misleading reporting.”


The Police’s displeasure was aired by its Chief Spokesperson, ACP Rusoke Kituuma in a media briefing today, 12th August, 2024 at Police Headquarters, Naguru.


Rusoke says there is a concerning trend of inaccurate and misleading reporting by certain media outlets regarding the Uganda Police Force.


“On August 9, 2024, the New Vision newspaper distorted news of the theft of a police service van, incorrectly referring to it as the IGP’s official car,” he says.


Kituuma, had earlier on Friday issued a statement clarifying a headline from the New Vision newspaper dated August 9, 2024, which claimed that the official vehicle of the Inspector IGP was stolen by thieves.


“The Police Force firmly asserts that this information is both inaccurate and exaggerated. The IGP’s official vehicle remains secure and has not been compromised,” ACP Kituuma clarified, adding that the police vehicle involved in the reported theft is not the official car of the IGP.


“What transpired was the theft of a police single cabin pickup, registered as UP 00135, which operates as a service van. Following this incident, a comprehensive investigation was initiated, resulting in the recovery of the stolen vehicle and the arrest of a suspect.”


Kituuma also had no kind words for Spyreports, an online media website for publishing what he calls a sensationalized story claiming that H.E the President of Uganda allocated nearly 300 billion shillings for the renovation of CID Headquarters.


“Such reports not only mislead but also damage the reputation of Institutions. For instance, in the falsehoods about the300 billions to CID, given that the police budget is publicly available, such a large sum would represent a significant portion of it, making it implausible for the police to allocate that amount solely for renovations,” says Rusooke.


He warns that the Uganda Police Force will not tolerate reckless and malicious reporting that undermines the integrity of the force.


“We call on all media outlets to adhere to ethical standards of journalism and to report accurately and responsibly on matters related to the police,” he urges.

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