Police speaks out on Bobi Wine ‘shooting’ incident


Quoting police officers at the scene, the Uganda Police spokesperson said the opposition leader could have injured himself while trying to get into his vehicle.

Police officers on site claim he stumbled while getting into his vehicle, causing the injury, whereas Hon. Kyagulanyi and his team assert that he was shot,” said the Police spokesman Kituuma Rusoke

“Investigation will be conducted to clarify the facts…The police will investigate the alleged shooting and any related incidents,” he added.

According to Kituuma, Bobi Wine were intercepted on their way from Bulindo where they attended a thanksgiving event by lawyer George Musisi (Lawyer).

Hon. Kyagulanyi participated in the celebration, which concluded peacefully,” the statement reads in part.

When Hon. Kyagulanyi left the venue, he and his team moved out of their cars and embarked on a procession up to Bulindo town; however, the police advised against it. Despite their guidance, he insisted on proceeding and closing the road, leading to police intervention to prevent the procession.

The opposition leader was admitted at Nsambya hospital for treatment

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