Police say Bobi Wine has refused to cooperate in investigation over Bulindo shooting – The Kampala Report



The Uganda Police Force has cited the unwillingness of National Unity Platform (NUP) President Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, also known as Bobi Wine, as a hindrance to progress in their ongoing investigation into the Bulindo incident, during which the opposition leader sustained a leg injury.

The injury occurred last Tuesday when Kyagulanyi was hit by a tear gas canister during a confrontation with police as he was returning from a Thanksgiving ceremony at the home of NUP lawyer George Musisi. Kyagulanyi, who was discharged from Nsambya Hospital the following day, is now recovering at his residence in Magere.

Initially, the police claimed that Kyagulanyi had “stumbled and fallen” during the altercation. However, a police statement later indicated that a full investigation was underway to determine the actual cause of the injury, whether it was from a tear gas canister, bullet, or another factor.

During a security press briefing at Naguru Police headquarters, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Kituuma Rusoke, the Police Spokesperson, told journalists that their investigation had hit a roadblock due to Kyagulanyi’s refusal to cooperate. ACP Kituuma emphasized that the investigative team needed Kyagulanyi’s account and medical report to move forward with the investigation but had been rebuffed in their attempts to contact him.

“Our team was sent to him as a gesture of interest in the matter, given that he is an important party because he raised complaints, but the challenge is that he is unwilling to share with us. We need his side of the story and the medical report to proceed successfully,” Kituuma said.

The police also noted that the National Unity Platform has continued to blame the police for the incident rather than cooperate with the investigation. Kituuma further remarked, “When I gave a statement, they called it a lie. There are two versions—one saying he stumbled, and another claiming he was shot. We want to investigate, but they keep saying that I lied.”

Despite this, the police remain open to investigating the incident and are waiting for Kyagulanyi to reconsider his stance and collaborate with them.

However, on Friday, Kyagulanyi expressed doubts about the police’s ability to conduct a fair investigation, citing their previous misrepresentations of the incident.

“They said I moved out of the car and started a procession, which was a lie. Then they lied again that I only stumbled and fell. So I’m not sure that Uganda Police is capable of investigating itself. For now, my life is more important than having a conversation with the Police, who have demonstrated bias and criminality,” Kyagulanyi said.

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