Police defend Government move to suspend bus operations amid spike in accidents – The Kampala Report

Bus accident

Bus accident

The Directorate of Traffic Police is optimistic that the intensified suspension of bus companies with errant drivers will help reduce road accidents in Uganda. This move follows the Ministry of Works and Transport’s suspension of Jaguar Buses for ten days, after an accident on the Kampala-Masaka road on September 1st, which claimed at least eight lives. Preliminary investigations indicate that reckless driving was the primary cause of the crash.

During the suspension announcement, Minister of State for Works and Transport, Fred Byamukama, emphasized that the accident was entirely preventable and blamed the driver’s reckless behavior. He stated, “This tragedy was caused by sheer recklessness, which could have been avoided with careful driving. Such irresponsible actions put innocent lives at risk, and we will not condone it.”

Byamukama also issued a stern warning to other bus operators, specifically naming Gateway Bus, whose drivers were recently captured speeding in a widely circulated video. “We have taken note of the reckless behavior, and we will equally hold you accountable. No operator is above the law,” he added. At a press briefing at Naguru Police Headquarters, Superintendent of Police Michael Kananura, the Police Spokesperson, expressed support for the suspension of non-compliant bus companies.

He described it as a crucial step towards reducing road accidents. “The suspension of Jaguar was important. We want this to be a message to all owners of these buses that the lives of Ugandans matter. We want them to also act upon the reckless drivers that they employ,” Kananura said.

Traffic Police records show that in the past seven days, there were 61 fatalities in road accidents and over 300 injuries. Among the fatalities were 24 pedestrians, 17 motorcyclists, and 5 vehicle occupants. Pedestrians accounted for the majority (80%) of the deaths, with most being struck by motorcycles.

Kananura attributed the recent surge in road accidents to reckless driving practices, particularly careless overtaking (37%) and excessive speeding (27%). Two devastating accidents occurred on September 9th on the Kampala-Masaka road and the Mityana road, resulting in a total of 7 fatalities and over 20 injuries.

Road accidents remain one of the leading causes of death and disability among young and productive Ugandans. The recently released 2023 Police and Traffic Accident Report indicates a 35% increase in road crashes compared to the previous year.

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