Police block demo against Bunyoro premier over refusal to hand over office – The Kampala Report

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There was heavy deployment of both Anti-riot police and the military in Hoima City on Wednesday over a planned demonstration against Andrew Byakutaga, the Prime Minister of the Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom, who has refused to vacate office.

Security personnel were visibly stationed at the Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom chambers and the palace, while others patrol the city center. According to available information, a faction of the Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom subjects, opposed to Byakutaga’s leadership, had mobilized to demonstrate at the Kingdom palace to compel him to leave office.

Julius Hakiza, the Albertine region police spokesperson, stated that they received intelligence indicating that some youth were planning to storm the Kingdom headquarters to forcibly remove Byakutaga from office. In response, both the police and the military have been deployed to prevent any potential unrest. Hakiza has warned the public against participating in the protest, stating that security forces are prepared to take appropriate action.

Tensions within the Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom administration have escalated following conflicts between the Babiito, the ruling clan, and Byakutaga. On September 2, 2024, the Babiito clan dismissed Byakutaga and appointed an interim cabinet. The new cabinet includes key figures such as Owek. Kugonza Miganda, the Interim Speaker and Chairperson of the Clans Consultative Council; Owek. John Apollo Rwemparo, the First Deputy Interim Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism; and Owek. Stephen Mukitale, the Second Deputy Interim Prime Minister and Minister of Oil and Gas, among others.

The interim cabinet, led by Interim Prime Minister Dr. Baltazar Kyamanywa Kasirivu, was sworn in on Saturday at the residence of the Chief Prince (Okwiri) in Hoima City, with Robert Atega, a commissioner of oaths from the Hoima High Court, overseeing the ceremony. However, Byakutaga issued a statement on Sunday condemning the swearing-in as illegal and baseless, arguing that it violates Article 246 of Uganda’s Constitution and the Traditional and Cultural Institution Leaders Act of 2011.

He asserted that only the cultural leader (Omukama) of the Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom has the authority to appoint or dismiss officials. Byakutaga accused the Okwiri of forgery, alleging that a document claiming the Omukama had transferred his powers to the Okwiri was falsified. He emphasized that the Okwiri’s role is purely cultural and does not include acting on behalf of the King or the Kingdom.

The decision to appoint the interim cabinet followed an emergency meeting by the Babiito clan on September 1, 2024, where they issued a one-week ultimatum for Byakutaga to vacate his office, alleging that his tenure was illegal. The clan expressed dissatisfaction with the Royal Commission’s decision in July to extend Byakutaga’s term by one year.

Eng. Fred Mugenyi Rucunya, the Okwiri (Chief Prince), criticized the extension as unlawful, asserting that the authority to manage Kingdom affairs in the Omukama’s absence lies with him, not the Royal Commission. Despite this extension, the Babiito clan’s directive for Byakutaga’s immediate departure has led to the current dispute.

The Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom has been without a functioning parliament and cabinet ministers for a year due to Omukama’s illness. Byakutaga was first appointed Prime Minister on January 15, 2018, by Omukama Solomon Gafubusa Rukirabasaija Agutamba Iguru I. In January 2022, Byakutaga was suspended by the Babiito clan over allegations of mismanagement and other accusations, but the Royal Commission reinstated him, affirming the Omukama’s sole authority over such matters.

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