Police arrest thugs in Shs27m robbery captured on CCTV – The Kampala Report

6 Police Officers Arrested Over Bebe Cool Capt Namara Saga

6 Police Officers Arrested Over Bebe Cool Capt Namara Saga

The Directorate of Crime Intelligence (DCI) has arrested thugs who robbed 27 million shillings from a passenger on a motorcycle and thumped police officers who attempted to intervene.

This incident happened on June 24, 2024 at Bugolobi, Nakawa Division, in Kampala.

Benjamin Ariong withdrew money from one of the banks along Jinja road and jumped on a commercial motorcycle heading to Bugolobi. He did not suspect that thugs were trailing him. Six motorcycles surrounded the motorcycle he was sitting on. Ariong quickly jumped off and ran toward three traffic officers.

“I sensed that thugs wanted to rob my money after seeing them surrounding the motorcycle I was sitting on. I saw nearby traffic officers and I ran to their protection. However, the thugs did not fear, they pursued me. Police officers who tried to protect me were also beaten and my money was taken. I think thugs took advantage of traffic officers having no gun,” Ariong said.

This incident was captured by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras. Police released the clip and it has since June been making rounds on social media. It is reported that some city dwellers were able to identify some of the thugs and provided DCI is information which has led to the arrest of seven suspected thugs.

DCI has identified the arrested thugs as Denis Ntale, Joram Kato, Stephen Kizza, Caleb William Mugisha, Sam Kisambwe, William Ssozi William and Bakshi Jamada. ASP Luke Owoyesigyire confirmed the arrest of the thugs and added that they are the ones that appear in the video.

Other thugs have been arrested for participating in a similar crime. The victim of the July 3rd robbery has been identified as Noah Kamushaba who was operating a mobile money agent shop at Katoogo, Kinawataka, in Nakawa Division. Kamushaba was robbed 26 million shillings after being assaulted by the thugs on motorcycles.

Police have identified thugs that attacked Kamushaba include Benon Mutebi, Sharif Senfuma, Daniel Zziwa, and Ibra Kiwanuka. Like Ariong, Kamushaba was encircle by thugs on six motorcycle and a bag containing money was taken.

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