Pastor Ssempa in campaign to save Ndere Cultural Centre


In a heartfelt plea, Pastor Ssempa expressed his deep concern over the potential loss of such an important cultural institution. “I felt pain when I heard that Ndere Cultural Centre might be closed down because of Covid and all the debt that came as a result,” he said. “Our culture is the greatest. It is better than our oil and all the minerals, and if we lose it, we have lost it. Ndere is our best foot forward in preserving our culture.”

Ssempa, alongside Nkemba, hopes to rally 10,000 individuals worldwide to each contribute one million shillings. He has already personally committed one million shillings to kickstart the campaign. Ssempa plans to set up a campaign office at Ndere Cultural Centre and will be printing t-shirts to further promote the cause.

Mrs. Ritah Nkemba, inspired by her father’s connection to music and the arts, also joined the initiative. She remarked, “My father, the late Henry Sserukenya, was deeply involved in music, and this place was one of his inspirations. I did not think twice when I heard that this place was in trouble.”

Supporters who wish to contribute to saving Ndere Cultural Centre can do so through Mobile Money donations:

  • MTN Merchant Code: 611699 (Ndere Troupe)
  • Airtel Merchant Code: 1228904 (Ndere Troupe)​

With just 10 days left before the auction is set to take place, the urgency to raise the funds is critical. If successful, the campaign will not only prevent the sale of Ndere but also safeguard an essential piece of Uganda’s cultural legacy.

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