Pastor Love curses ex-wife Obaapa Christy to die as they fight over old songs

She argued that neither she nor Pastor Love possessed the academic background to compose such songs, stating, “Just like myself, Pastor Love is not academically sound, so it’s a lie that he was my songwriter.”

However, Pastor Love, who has been following the narrative closely, did not take kindly to these remarks. In a viral video circulating online, he vehemently refuted Obaapa Christy’s claims, launching a series of accusations and insults against her.

Have you ever written a song before?” he questioned. “I’ll keep insulting you for a whole month; if I’m not tired, I’ll continue. Village woman, unserious woman. You’re a curse. All these people who call themselves gospel musicians. Do you even live out the messages in your songs?” Pastor Love lashed out.

Further escalating the dispute, Pastor Love accused Obaapa Christy of using him for publicity and laid a curse upon her, stating, “Anytime you sing any of the songs I’ve written for you, you’ll die an instant death.

Pastor Love Kweku Hammond and gospel singer Obaapa Christy, formerly Christiana Love, married in 2003 and had three children together. Their marriage, which seemed strong through personal and professional collaborations, began unravelling in the late 2000s.

The couple’s divorce, finalised in 2011, was highly publicised and marked by severe allegations from both sides. Pastor Love accused Obaapa Christy of infidelity while she countered with claims of physical and emotional abuse.

The fallout from their divorce was tumultuous, involving court cases and media battles. Pastor Love claimed to have written many of Obaapa Christy’s hit songs, but she dismissed these claims, leading to ongoing disputes even after their separation.

Despite the end of their marriage, both have continued their careers, with Obaapa Christy achieving success in the gospel music industry and Pastor Love remaining vocal about their past relationship, keeping their conflicts in the public eye.

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