Parliament to hold prayers for deceased minister Sarah Mateke today

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Lawmakers will this afternoon convene at Parliament for the first funeral service for Sarah Mateke who has been serving as the Kisoro Woman Member of Parliament and State minister for Defence and Veteran Affairs.

Mateke succumbed to a heart attack on Saturday morning at the age of 50.

Parliament said the programme was arrived at following consultations with the Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs, Mateke’s family, the national organising committee and other stakeholders.

“We have made a slight amendment to her send-off programme. The funeral service, which was earlier scheduled for 3pm in Nsangi [today], has been moved to the Parliament parking lot and will now start at 2pm. After the service, the body will be taken to her residence in Nsangi. The rest of the programme remains as earlier communicated,” Speaker Anita Among said yesterday on X, formerly twitter.

Members of Parliament will pay tribute during a special sitting tomorrow at the House.

Official programme
Today: The body will be at Parliament where prayers will be held in memory of Mateke. The body will afterwards be taken to Mateke’s home in Nsangi, Wakiso District, for a night vigil.
Tommorow: The second service will be held at All Saints Cathedral, Nakasero, starting at 8am.
The body will afterwards be taken to Parliament for an afternoon
special sitting session in honour of Mateke. After the session, the body will be returned to A Plus funeral home.
Wednesday: Body will be taken to Nyakabingo, Kisoro District,
where a number of activities will be held including a council session at 2pm, prayers and vigil.
Thursday: Church service and burial.

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