Oyam man sodomizes 25-year-old wife to death, police say

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Police in Oyam District are hunting a man who was released on bond as he is accused of sodomizing his 25-year-old wife to death.

According to police, the incident in Acek-were B’ village, Omac Parish in Ngai Sub-county occurred at around 1am on August 8, 2024, leading to the death of Sarah Angom.

“It is alleged that the deceased’s husband returned from his hangout while under the influence of drugs and forcefully used the wife’s anus, leaving her with serious injuries and much pain,” North Kyoga Regional Police spokesperson SP Jimmy Patrick Okema said on Tuesday.

Following the incident, Angom sought treatment at Ngai Health Centre III, but was referred to Abok Health Centre IV and later Mulago National Referral Hospital.

Authorities say Angom ended up dying from home on August 29 as the family could not afford transportation costs to Mulago in Kampala.

Police say the suspect had previously been detained at Ngai police post but never returned after he was issued bond.

“At the time the woman died, this specific incident had not yet reached the Oyam District CID boss. Its yesterday that she got a report about this incident,” Okema said.

“Yet this is an incident that occurred on August 8, but we got information that the case was reported at Ngai police outpost where the suspect was arrested on August 13, 2024, but given a police bond. As I speak now, he is at large,” Okema explained.

According to police, postmortem findings show that the deceased’s virginal parts and anus were raptured.

Ngai Sub-County LC3 chairperson Jimmy Anywar questioned police on why a suspect with such a capital offence was granted a police bond.

“I condemn such acts in the strongest terms. The public needs to join hands with police and provide information which can lead to his arrest so that the law takes its cause,” Anywar said.

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