Olympian kicked out for distracting athletes with skimpy clothing after elimination

Alonso documented her visit to Disneyland Paris with photos on Instagram after failing to advance from her heat in the women’s 100m butterfly semifinals on July 27.

“Her presence is creating an inappropriate atmosphere within Team Paraguay,” said Larissa Schaerer, head of the Paraguayan Olympic Committee, in a statement published by ‘The Sun’. “We thank her for proceeding as instructed, as it was of her own free will that she did not spend the night in the Athletes’ Village.”

Alonso appeared back in the U.S. on Monday, posting a photo of an American flag on her Instagram Story with the caption “Pony up,” alongside a peace sign emoji and a statue of horses.

The Olympic Village, spanning Saint-Denis, Saint-Ouen, and L’Île-Saint-Denis, accommodates 14,250 athletes and has strict social media guidelines.

Team USA’s Olympic Village Director, Daniel Smith, explained that while athletes can leave the village to visit friends and family, they must adhere to specific guidelines to ensure respect and focus.

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