Official burial program out for late Tamale Mirundi

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Kampala, (UG):- The official burial programme for former presidential press secretary and advisor on media matters, Joseph Tamale Mirundi is finally out.

According to the released burial programme, Mirundi, 60, will be buried on Sunday, August 18, 2024, at his ancestral village in Kalagala, Kaliisizo, Rakai District.

Today, Wednesday, August 14th, 2024, the funeral will start with a vigil and mass at Zzana Residence.

On Thursday, August 15th, a requiem mass will be held at St. Gyaviira Catholic Church Bunnamwaya at 10:00 am, followed by an overnight vigil at Zzana Residence.

On Friday, August 16th, the body will be taken to Kyengera Residence for a mass at 10:00 am and an overnight vigil.

The body will then leave for Kalagala Village in Kaliisizo, Rakai District on Saturday, August 17th, for a vigil.

The burial ceremony will take place on Sunday, August 18th, starting at 10:00 am at Kalagala Village, Kaliisizo in Rakai District.

Popular for his controversial political debates on TV and Radio, Mirundi was pronounced dead on Tuesday evening at around 11:40 pm. He reportedly succumbed to lung-related complications around 11:40 P.M. at Kisubi Hospital in Kampala, where he had been receiving treatment for over a month.

The outspoken political analyst and NRM strong had recently paid allegiance to the Patriotic League of Uganda civic group led by First Son Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba where he was the Deputy Spokesperson for Buganda Region.

Mirundi was early this year diagnosed with illnesses rotating around low blood pressure and kidney-related diseases and has been in and out of the hospital until his untimely passing.

Born in 1964 present-day Rakai District, Mirundi began his career as a part-time writer for the newspaper Munno before becoming a professional journalist.

Mirundi was sacked by President Museveni as his press secretary in July 2015, a position he had held for approximately 13 years. Since then, he has been a regular commentator on various television stations and vlogs, sharing his insights on politics and current affairs.

He appeared on various political shows, including “Sharp Talk” on STV Uganda, “One on One” on NBS Television, and “Embuga” on STV Uganda.

He was suspended from the “One On One” show in 2017 for using abusive language. He was also taken to court by lawyer Mabirizi over defamation. In 2015, his first wife, Juliet Nassimbwa, wanted to divorce him due to political differences.

Mirundi alleged that he was poisoned in 2019 though it remained uncertain until the time of his death who was behind the alleged poisoning and whether he had fully recovered from the incident.

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