Nyangole Youth Leader calls for budget allocation towards local govt youth councils

Nyangole Youth Leader calls for budget allocation towards local govt youth councils

Tororo, (UG):- The Youth Council Leader of Nyangole Subcounty in eastern Uganda’s Tororo District, Mr George Ofwono has called on the government to immediately provide funding for the operation of lower local government youth councils.

Ofwono made the appeal ahead of the International Youth Day celebrations scheduled for Monday, August 12, in Soroti under the theme “Click for progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development.

He highlighted that all 42 subcounty youth councils in Tororo District are currently non-operational due to a lack of funds. “The government should prioritize the funding of lower local government youth councils because they play a crucial role in mobilizing and empowering young people in their communities,” he said.

Ofwono added that young people are often used as political ladders, but their real needs and concerns are neglected. “Young people are not just votes; they are citizens who deserve to have a voice and be involved in decision-making processes that affect their lives,” Ofwono emphasized.

The Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) youthful strongman lamented that the lack of funding has severely hampered the activities of youth councils in Tororo District.

“Youth councils are responsible for oversight of the implementation and mobilization of Youths to participate in various youth-focused programs, such as Youth livelihood programs, vocational skills training, sports competitions, and youth empowerment workshops,” Ofwono explained. “But without funding, we cannot carry out these activities effectively.”

He urged the government to allocate a specific budget for lower local government youth councils in the next financial year. “This will ensure that youth councils have the resources they need to operate efficiently and serve the interests of young people in their communities,” he said.

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