NSS releases posting for 2024/25 service year for over 106K graduates

The Management of the National Service Scheme (NSS) has officially announced the release of postings for one hundred and six thousand, two hundred and twenty-three (106,223) university graduates for the 2024/2025 service year.

The NSS management further outlined a clear process for all deployed service personnel to follow:

1. Check Placement: Log onto the National Service Scheme (NSS) website at to check for your placement.

2. Print Appointment Letter: Print the appointment letter from the NSS website. Proceed to your place of posting for endorsement of the appointment letter.

3. Book Appointment for Registration: Book an appointment online for the date and time for registration after getting the appointment letter endorsed.

4. Complete Registration: Go to the assigned Regional Validation and Registration Centre with the endorsed appointment letter and a valid Ghana Card to complete the registration process.

5. Validation and Registration Period: Validation and registration at all regional centres will begin on Thursday, September 12, 2024, and close on Monday, September 30, 2024.

The management further indicated that the 2024/2025 national service year will begin on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

They further cautioned the graduates stating that reposting is not permitted. They urged national service personnel to embrace their postings as it is a vital part of their responsibilities and contributions to national development.

The NSS has also issued a reminder that reposting is not permitted and urges all national service personnel to embrace their postings as a vital part of their responsibilities and contributions to national development.

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