NRM’s lavish spending on youth delegates sparks outrage

Nyangole Youth Leader calls for budget allocation towards local govt youth councils

By George Ofwono

On the eve of International Youth Day celebrations, a protest erupted among youth delegates demanding a staggering 2 million shillings each. To the astonishment of many, the government swiftly acceded to their demands.

This reckless and wasteful expenditure is a betrayal of Ugandan taxpayers. The National Resistance Movement (NRM), which has ruled for decades, has consistently squandered public funds on ill-conceived projects and patronage schemes.

“This protest is a clear indication that youth empowerment in Uganda is nothing more than a hollow slogan,” said George Ofwono, the youth chairperson of Nyangole subcounty in Tororo district. “The government is simply milking the youth and using them as political pawns.”

Ofwono, a strongman in the opposition Uganda People’s Congress (UPC), urged voters to wake up in 2026 and oust the NRM from power. “Enough is enough,” he declared. “It is time for a government that truly cares about the well-being of its young people.”

The decision to grant the youth delegates their demands comes amidst widespread poverty and unemployment among young Ugandans. According to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, youth unemployment stands at a staggering 83%.

“The government’s priorities are all wrong,” said Ofwono. “Instead of investing in job creation and education for the youth, they are wasting taxpayers’ money on handouts and political stunts.”

Ofwono’s sentiments are echoed by many Ugandans who are tired of the NRM’s profligacy. The party has been accused of corruption, mismanagement, and a lack of accountability.

“The youth of Uganda deserve better than this,” said Ofwono. “They deserve a government that will provide them with opportunities and not just empty promises.”

The International Youth Day protest and the government’s subsequent capitulation have laid bare the NRM’s contempt for taxpayers and its disregard for the future of Uganda’s youth. It is a wake-up call for all Ugandans who care about the well-being of their country.

The writer is Youth Chairperson, Nyangole Subcounty, Tororo District

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