NRM Canada Chapter Symposium pushed to September 2024

Rukia nakadama

The upcoming 2024 NRM Canada Symposium initially scheduled for August 16-18, 2024 in Canada’s capital, Ottawa has been postponed to September due to unforeseen circumstances, DailyExpress understands.

In a notice issued Thursday, August 15 2024, the organizers of the Symposium led by Uganda’s Third Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Lukia Nakadama, revealed that the long-awaited annual symposium will now be held between 13th to 15th September 2024 at Sandman Hunt Club 250 West Hunt Club Road Ottawa K2E OB7.

“We regret to inform all invited delegates and participants for the 2024 Canada NRM Chapter Symposium that owing to unavoidable circumstances, the Symposium that had initially been scheduled for August 16th to 18th 2024 at Sandman Hunt Club 250 West Hunt Club Road Ottawa K2E OB7 has been postponed to 13th to 15th September 2024,” the notice reads in part.

In the same breath, Hon Nakadama also rallied participants, including guests & the Uganda Diaspora community to attend in huge numbers, in a bid to celebrate the tremendous achievements of the mighty NRM party.

“…you are invited to turn up in big numbers on the re-scheduled date to celebrate the achievements registered by the NRM Party,” reads the notice, which she copied to Rt. Hon. Secretary General, NRM Party, Uganda’s High Commissioner to Canada, the Senior Presidential Advisor on Diaspora Hajj Abbey Walusimbi and the Chairman, Canada NRM Chapter Mr Fred Kinene.

The organizing committee has decided that rescheduling the event, is the only responsible course of action, apparently.

This decision, the third deputy premier said, has been made after consultations with stakeholders, to whom the committee would like to express gratitude for their understanding, patience, and continued support.

When asked on the logistics of participants who had already organized and booked their travels, the organizers assured that they will be given guidance tours to agricultural equipment, dinner , meetings and boat cruise among other events.

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