NMG, Muslims partner to fight mental illness

Nation Media Group (NMG) – Uganda, together with the Corporate Muslim Association, have partnered to ad-dress mental illness in the up-coming Muslim marathon run.

Speaking to the media during the launch of the marathon in Kampala yesterday, the chief officer of Salaam Bank, Mr Michael Mande, said the main aim of the run is to raise funds for the construction of a Shukran orphanage home that will address maternal and new-born issues.

“Uganda faces alarming maternal and new-born health disparities, with one in three young women aged between 20 and 24 having given birth below 18 years,’’ Mr Mande said.

He added that many abandoned babies that end up in hospitals, places of worship, and streets deserve a better future.

“To combat this, we need to have everyone on board through different initiatives because it does not affect only one group of people,’’ he said.

One of the major sponsors, NMG-Uganda, was represented by the brand manager, Mr Joshua Watwaluma.

“As Nation Media Group, this is something that we felt is rooted in our DNA. We can do so much more to support this run, and I know we shall continue supporting [each other],” Mr Watwaluma said.

The event that was first launched in 2019 to promote health, fun, and charity targets men, women, and children of all ages. Other partners for the run include KFC, Salam Bank, Pep-si, Nation Media Group, Pearl FM, Reign Ads, CBS, Ad Concept, Weli Travel, Ecopharm Nzuri Smart Services and Saqeefah Travel Agency.

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