Nicholas Omane Acheampong calls out NPP for ignoring him despite his support

However, Acheampong claims that his efforts have gone unrecognised by the party, with no compensation or acknowledgement for his contributions.

“Since 2008, I have been in support of the NPP. I have used four of my personal cars to campaign for the party. But up until now, no one from the party has even given me a pick-up vehicle as compensation,” Acheampong shared.

He further noted that many stakeholders in the creative arts sector support the NPP but choose not to publicly declare their stance due to the party’s treatment of those who have openly supported them. Acheampong emphasised that creatives are not necessarily seeking financial rewards but rather recognition and appreciation for their contributions.

“Many of the stakeholders in the creative arts sector are NPP supporters, but they can’t be open about their stance because they’ve seen how the party has treated those who stood up to support them,” he explained. “Most of the creatives who supported NPP do not want money or anything; sometimes, they just want recognition or something to show that they are appreciated. But they get none of that.”

Acheampong also suggested that while former President John Mahama may not pose a significant challenge to the NPP, the party could improve their chances in the upcoming elections by showing more appreciation to their supporters.

“John Mahama is not a challenge for the NPP, but they can do much better in the upcoming elections by just appreciating those who supported them,” he concluded in the video below.

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