Ngalabi Short Film Festival returns for 8th edition


Among the highlights are several notable award-winning films. These include “Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire – Herderboy” by Ugandan director Raymond Malinga, “From Here To There” by Remy Ryumugabe of Rwanda, and “Ethereality” by Kantarama Gahigiri, a co-production between Rwanda and Switzerland. “An Ode To A Time I Loved Bread” by Neema Ngelime, which bridges Tanzania, Belgium, Hungary, and Portugal, along with “Ward’s Henna Party” by Morad Mostafa from Egypt, and “Indigo” by Mona Okullo Obua, a collaboration between Uganda and Germany, are also set to screen.

This year’s festival is particularly thrilled to introduce two films from Reunion Island — “Sèt Lam” by Vincent Fontano and “Farewell, Friends” by Lawrence Valin — marking their debut at Ngalabi. Another first for the festival is the African premier of “Cut Me If You Can” by French directors Nicolas Polixene and Sylvain Loubet.

The festival has seen a notable increase in submissions across various genres, including animation, sci-fi, magical realism, drama, thriller, fantasy, comedy, afro-surrealism, experimental, and documentary. These films collectively explore a broad spectrum of themes such as loss, grief, identity, friendship, cultural identity, innovation, love, loneliness, the impacts of the influencer economy, and immigrant experiences.

Festival curator, Joel Tugaineyo, expressed his enthusiasm for this year’s edition, highlighting the festival’s role in bridging diverse cultures and narratives through cinema.

“We are excited to celebrate a collection of vibrant and diverse stories from Africa and its diaspora that celebrate the best of cinema and its magical ability to connect us all,” said Tugaineyo.

This festival is a tribute to all the powerful, creative voices that are shaping our industry today.”

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