NEW TWIST! Rev. Fr. Alinga’s Sister Under Threat as Relatives of Slain URA Official Promise to Unleash Jujju

Rev Fr. Dominic Alinga freezing in court dock scaled

By Sadique Bamwita




The sister to Rev. Fr. Dominic Alinga is under threat from the family and friends of the late URA official who was allegedly murdered by the man of God.  She revealed this on Monday August 26, 2024 after a court session.


The man of God’s sister says that she has been approached by a group of people from her home district in Napak, threatening to finish her off in case she continues to attend court trying to help her brother.


She says this group is sponsored by a Senior politician in the area who apparently even fueled the vehicle that brought them (Ngorok relatives) to court as they demanded justice and expeditious trial of Rev.Fr. Dominic Alinga.


She says that as soon as she returns to Napak district she will file a case of threatening violence to her life.


She revealed that the Senior Politician has already approached his top witch doctor who helps him to win elections to intervene in the matter such that the accused and his relatives who are trying to follow up the case pay a price heavier than the life of the victim.


Meanwhile, the presiding Magistrate adjourned the matter to September 13th, 2024 when the man of God returns to court for further hearing of his case.


Prosecution informed court that on August 3, 2024 ,  Rev.Fr. Dominic Alinga, 34, a resident of Alipada village, Ngoleite Sub County, kangole town council in Napak district with malice aforethought murdered John Bosco Ngorok an official with Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), which is   contrary to section 171 and 172 of the penal code cap 128. It’s said the man of God lost cool and stabbed the deceased after failing to repay his Shs. 11 m he was demanding him.


Prosecution further states that the accused person on the same day in Kitooro zone, Wakiso district unlawfully attempted to cause the death of Abigaba Mugisha which is contrary to section 187 Act cap 128, of the Penal code Act.


However, the Magistrate didn’t allow the accused person to say anything in court because the matter can only be heard and bailable by the High which has jurisdiction. On this note, prosecution informed court that investigations are still underway and that once complete the accused can be committed to High Court.


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