Ndere Cultural Center put on auction over loan


Launched in 2003 by President Yoweri Museveni, the centre has stood out as a hub dedicated to cultural preservation and education.

The establishment has been listed along with two others owned by Mr Rwagyenzi in a notice of sale by public auction, by Quickway Auctioneers & Court Bailiffs.

According to the newspaper advert, the center sits on 3.645 hectares of land on LRV 2727 on 2820 Kyadondo Block 216 Plot 2872 Kigoowa.

It also has a number of buildings which house offices, halls and other entertainment centres.

The advert is not specific about the amount of money that Mr Rwangyezi owes, nor does it mention the creditor.

It, however, indicates that the sale will take place 30 days after the publication of the notice.

The auction is scheduled to begin at 10:00 am at the auctioneer’s offices. The terms of sale include payment through cash or RTGS in favour of the client, with viewing of the properties available through prior arrangement.

The auctioneer, Festus Kateregga, reserves the right to accept or reject any offer, either wholly or partially, without providing a reason.

Two other properties belonging to Mr Rwangenzi are also facing auction namely;

  1. Property in Bira, Mengo District: This includes land on Busiro Block 306 Plot 883 and Busiro Block 306 Plot 4541, measuring around 1.214 hectares and 0.099 hectares, respectively. The registered proprietor for this property is Mr. Rwangyezi Stephen, with the address provided as P.O. Box 11353, Kampala.
  2. Property in Kisoro District: Situated on FRV 925 Folio 23 Kisoro Block 122 Plot 3 at Kisoro, this property measures approximately 2.202 hectares. It also belongs to Mr. Rwangyezi Stephen.

Born in 1955, Rwangyezi has spent decades championing cultural heritage, making significant contributions to Uganda’s artistic and cultural identity.

Rwangyezi founded the Ndere Troupe in 1984, driven by a passion to revive and maintain Uganda’s rich cultural traditions. The troupe initially started as a small group but grew to become one of the most respected cultural ensembles in the country. Ndere, meaning “flute” in Luganda and Rukiga, symbolises the harmony and beauty of traditional music. The troupe is known for its captivating performances, which include a blend of dance, music, and storytelling, representing various Ugandan ethnic groups.

The Ndere Troupe’s success led to the establishment of the Ndere Cultural Centre in 2003, a hub dedicated to cultural preservation and education. The centre offers performances, workshops, and classes that engage both Ugandans and international visitors, providing a platform for cultural exchange. Rwangyezi’s vision for the centre extends beyond entertainment; he aims to educate and inspire appreciation for Uganda’s diverse cultural heritage

His work has helped shift perceptions about traditional arts, promoting them as a valuable aspect of Uganda’s national identity.

In addition to his work with the Ndere Troupe, Rwangyezi has also been involved in various educational initiatives. He has advocated for the inclusion of cultural studies in academic curriculums and has actively engaged with the government to promote policies that support cultural preservation. His efforts have earned him recognition as a cultural ambassador, both within Uganda and internationally​.

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