NDC promises to build international standard stadiums in all 16 regions

A section of the abridged version of the manifesto highlighting the NDC’s plans for sports in the country said they will revamp all pitches in the country.

The NDC also pledged to refurbish tracks for athletes and give the already existing national stadiums a huge facelift.

“Undertake emergency refurbishment of pitches, tracks and other facilities at our national stadia in Accra, Kumasi, Tamale, Cape Coast and Sekondi to meet FIFA standards. Pursue our long-standing policy of establishing international standard stadia in all regions,” sections of the NDC’s manifesto reads.

Meanwhile, the opposition party also pledged to ensure equitable distribution of investments to the various national teams.

While the Black Stars continue to receive grace from the Ghana Football Association (GFA) and the government, the women’s teams are usually left unattended.

The Black Queens went months without receiving their salaries after qualifying for the Women’s Africa Cup of Nations (WAFCON), while it had to take several protests from the public for the Black Princesses to be paid their bonuses after booking their place at the U20 FIFA Women’s World Cup and also winning gold at the 2023 African Games.

In the NDC’s manifesto, the party said it aims to make sure that women’s football teams, para-athletes and all the less-known sports were given equitable treatment.

“Ensure equitable investments in other national teams, such as women’s football teams, parasports teams, juvenile teams and lesser-known sports,” it added.

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