Nana Ama McBrown advises women to marry after 35, men after 40


She further highlighted the importance of parents instilling Biblical teachings in their children to protect them from premature parenthood.

“If I were to be a child again, I would think twice about marriage. If I were a girl, I would consider marriage after 35 years; if I were a man, I would consider it after 40. Do you know why? I was fortunate to be with men who did not abuse me… I know some people might disagree with me, but that’s okay. If you have a child with someone, it’s fine even if they don’t marry you.

“Even the Bible acknowledges that we will sin, which is why we have forgiveness. So, it’s good to educate children on Biblical teachings to guide them,” she said during an interview with Bola Ray on GhOne TV on 23 August 2024.

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