NAMISINDWA: Senior Accounts Staff Interdicted Over Return of Shs1.1B School Construction Funds


By Weswa Ronnie




The office of the Chief Administrative Officer Namisindwa District has interdicted the district OC salary for allegedly causing the return of over 1.1billion shillings for the last financial to national treasury.


Irene Nambuya was interdicted on Tuesday, 27th August, 2024 after a heated district meeting.


The Shs1.1 Billion was meant to pay contractors who had successfully accomplished construction works at various schools including Namboko seed school in the district.


The interdiction follows a news story which was published yesterday on Tuesday by this website ( about the outcries of the various contractors who were not paid yet they presented their completion certificates.


Basing on sources that preferred anonymity, the letter was served to Nambuya in the morning while reporting to her office.

According Namisindwa district education committee document which was discussed on Friday last week, Namboko seed school contractor located in Namboko sub county was supposed to be paid 772 million shillings other schools like Buwuma primary school located at Lwakhakha town council 58 million shillings, Situyi primary school 58 million shillings located at Magale sub county and Busulwa primary school 64 million shillings located in Tsekululu sub county.


Jackson Wakwaika, the Namisindwa district LCV chairperson confirmed the interdiction saying investigations are going on.


He says that their preliminary investigations show that it is Nambuya who caused these entire problems because the CAO had already approved payment but it was her neglect which caused this.


Some of the contractors who preferred anonymity welcomed the actions taken by the district but urged the office of the CAO to expedite the process of reclaiming the money from the ministry of finance as promised.


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