NAMISINDWA: Namikhoma Bridge Construction Update

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By Weswa Ronnie




Namikhoma bridge construction works in Namisindwa district which was launched at the beginning of August is now at 90% completion.


The Government of Uganda under development funds program allocated 330 million shillings to Namisindwa district local government in 2023/24 financial year to construct Namikhoma bridge after a good number of people continuing to die during flooding.


This is the only bridge which connects sub counties of Bumwoni, Bumbo, Lwakhakha Town Council and Lwakhakha Sub County in Namisindwa District.


While speaking to our reporter on Wednesday, 21st August, 2024 at the site, Victor Mafumo, the Namisindwa District Road Inspector said that works are almost complete as planned.


He says that they have only been facing challenges like theft of materials at the site by neighbors, transporting materials since roads are impassable among others during the bridge’s construction.


David Mugezi, one of the area residents neighbouring the bridge expressed his happiness saying at that stage they now hope the bridge will be completed and put into use.


David Khisa, another area resident who is a Boda Boda rider at Lwakhakha stage says that they have been facing challenges in crossing the bridge especially during rainy seasons.


Juma Namanda, also an area resident urged locals to use this bridge well when completed such that they don’t break or damage it.

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