Namisindwa District Leaders Launch Rehabilitation of 11.3KMS of Roads

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By Weswa Ronnie




As a way to improve on accessibility in the district, Namisindwa district leaders have today 31st July, 2024 launched the rehabilitation of 11.3 kilometers of roads.


The roads to be rehabilitated are Bubutu-Magale 9.3 kilometers and Mufutu-Makenya which connects Magale town council, Magale Sub County, Bubutu town council and Bubutu Sub County.


While speaking during the launch at Mafudu trading center located at Magale sub county, Victor Mafumo, the Namisindwa district inspector of roads said the works are going to commence next week and will take 61.88 million shillings under Uganda Road Fund.


He says that they are going to do works like road shaping, pouring marrum, fixing Culverts among others.


Dorothy Walukawu Nebokhe, the Namisindwa district speaker says that the rehabilitation of those roads was passed by council last Financial Year 2023/24.


She adds that they have registered five deaths of people on those roads due to accidents according to local leaders because of their bad conditions.


Jackson Wakwaika, the LCV chairperson of Namisindwa district has urged locals to embrace the development saying this is going to improve on road net work in the area and the district at large.


He says that when these roads are worked on, it’s going to help farmers take their products to nearby markets and will help expectant mothers to access health centers like Magale health III easily.


Bosco Nabonge, the Assistant Resident District Commissioner Namisindwa urged the engineer to show value for money by doing quality works.

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