NAMISINDWA: Buwatuwa LCIII Boss , Sub County Chief Clash over Absentee Parish Chief

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By Weswa Ronnie




There was drama at Buwatuwa sub county head office, Namisindwa district on Wednesday, 7th August, 2024 during a security meeting when Sam Kundu the LC3 chairperson exchanged bitter words with the Sub County chief over a parish Chief who has been AWOL for five months.


The security meeting was called by Bosco Nabonge, the assistant Resident District Commissioner of Namisindwa after getting information about absenteeism of staff members at the Sub County.


During the meeting, Kundu in his submission to assistant RCC reported that Mango Ziya, the Parish Chief of Bunakatemba parish has spent over five months without reporting to office over unknown reasons.


He says this has affected service delivery at the parish because locals from Bunakatemba parish are currently without a person to register them for PDM third phase.


Kundu says that he has tried many times asking his supervisor, Kharite Zemoi, to give him more details about the absenteeism of her junior staff but he has been ignored.


Isaac Wakhisi, the LCIII vice Chairperson asked the assistant RDC to take action by informing the CAO to transfer the parish chief and bring for them another one such that people from Bunakatemba parish can get services like other Ugandans.


However, Kharite in defence said the absenteeism of Mango Ziya is intentional after locals from the parish chased him with a panga in March, 2024.


She says that during PDM phase II, PDM SACCO chairpersons registered beneficiaries from neighbouring Manafwa district and others from other sub counties within Namisindwa leaving out original natives from Bunakatemba parish as the law requires.


She added that when the parish chief refused to accept those forms with none residents, PDM SACCO Chairpersons threatened to lynch him which scared him from reporting at the sub county up-to-date.


She says as his supervisor, she took the matter to the office of the CAO who has agreed to transfer him and bring another parish chief to Bunakatemba parish.


Nabonge on his part said that the absenteeism of staff at Namisindwa district is becoming a problem yet they are paid a full salary each month.


He termed that as a corruption which will not be accepted in the district


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