NAMISINDWA: 4 Hour Downpour Destroys Houses Critically Injuring 5 Minors

IMG 20240829 WA0219

By Weswa Ronnie




A heavy downpour which lasted five hours on Wednesday night, 28th August, 2024 has left properties, crops destroyed and five minors admitted in critical condition from three different sub counties at Namisindwa.


According to Jackson Wakwaika, the LCV chairperson of Namisindwa district, the most affected sub county is Bukiabi Sub County where over two hundred houses have been blown off while others were brought down.


He says that heavy rain with storms also destroyed crops and houses in sub counties of Bumbo town council and Bumwoni.


Wakwaika also says that he has asked the sub county chief to compile the names of the affected people from three sub counties and submit them to the office of the CAO who is a district disaster chairperson such that they can take it to the ministry of Disaster Preparedness for support.


Michael Khaukha, the LCIII chairperson of Bumwoni Sub County says that five minors who were injured are children of Famu Baraza, a resident of Kongoli village, Bwiri parish in Bumwoni sub county where the house collapsed on them while they were sleeping.


Khaukha says that they have taken the minors to Bumwoni health center where they are receiving treatment in critical conditions.


He urged well wishers to come in and support families affected because they are currently lacking where to sleep and what to eat since their houses, and crops have been destroyed.


John Musila, the area Member of Parliament representing Bubulo east constituency in Namisindwa district has asked the district leadership to expedite the process of taking the report to the ministry Disaster Preparedness such that he can follow up.


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