My removal from office as Electoral Commission Chairperson was excessively petty and unnecessary – Charlotte Osei


She reflected on the events, stating that she anticipated the drama due to her understanding of the people who were involved in the case.

Charlotte Osei further indicated that the process leading to her removal, including the investigation and the committee’s recommendations, appeared to be orchestrated.

Despite this, she admitted that the reasons behind her removal remain unclear to her.

“As for the why, I don’t know, “ she admitted.

Although she refrained from directly commenting on whether her dismissal was politically motivated, she promised to provide a comprehensive account of the situation in her forthcoming book. According to her, with her three decades of law practice, this chapter does not define her career. She highlighted her diverse experiences and expressed a strong resolve to share her story, particularly for the benefit of her granddaughters.

“I have two granddaughters, and for them, I am writing this book. As women, there is a lot they can learn from my life story,” she said.

In 2018, Charlotte Osei, along with her deputies Amadu Sulley and Georgina Opoku Amankwaa, was dismissed following a committee’s investigation into allegations of corruption and misconduct.

The petition filed against her in 2017 accused her of unilateral decision-making and fraudulent activities, including the cancellation of a contract with Superlock Technologies Limited (STL) and authorizing a $76,000 payment to IT firm Dream Oval.

Mrs. Osei revealed that during her tenure in office, she received numerous death threats and faced serious concerns for her family’s safety.

“There were threats through the mail, and sometimes the security agencies would call to warn me to be careful,” she disclosed in Thursday’s interview.

She also shared that the impact of these threats was particularly harsh on her young children, who experienced abuse at school due to the tense political environment.

Despite her strong resolve, Mrs. Osei admitted to grappling with doubts about whether the risks to her family made the position worthwhile.

“My family was very supportive and recognised that it was just for a season. All storms run out of water at some point, so everyone encouraged me to stay strong and see how things would unfold after the elections,” she said.

Despite the challenges she recounted, she stated she has no regrets, but consider it as honour to serve as the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission.

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