My govt will recover every stolen money under NPP – Mahama assures Ghanaians

John Dramani Mahama, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has declared his intent to pursue government appointees who have embezzled public funds.

Speaking at the NDC’s Youth Manifesto launch on Monday, August 12, Mahama emphasised, “We are at the lowest point in our national life, and we need to make big changes for the future we want.”

He criticised the current administration, stating, “The situation for young people has become increasingly troubling. Unemployment is high, leaving many of you without hope or direction. Every day seems worse for most young people, while a few people misuse our resources. This cannot continue! We shall recover every stolen money!”

He remarked, “Our neighbourhoods are dirty, and rising public debt has exacerbated hardships. This has led to a deep sense of hopelessness. I understand your frustration and fears. We cannot give up now.”

He called for voters to support his candidacy, pledging, “I am committed to creating a brighter future for you. I am taking your vote and support as a commitment I am making to you that I have a responsibility to God and to you.”

The NDC Youth Manifesto is a novel initiative targeted towards the Ghanaian youth ahead of the 2024 general elections.

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