My government will make business and jobs number one priority — Bawumia


Bawumia, who is vying for the presidential ticket under the New Patriotic Party (NPP), emphasised that his government would focus on creating an enabling environment for businesses to thrive.

He also pointed out that under his leadership, the government would reduce bureaucratic bottlenecks that often stifle business growth.

He promised to streamline processes for business registration, access to credit, and export facilitation to ensure that Ghanaian businesses can compete effectively on the global stage.

Addressing the issue of unemployment, Bawumia stressed that job creation would be central to his administration’s agenda.

He acknowledged the challenges faced by the youth in securing gainful employment and assured them that his government would implement policies designed to equip them with the necessary skills and opportunities.

Furthermore, Bawumia touched on the importance of digitalisation in driving economic growth.

He noted that the ongoing digital transformation initiatives would be expanded to cover more sectors, creating a more efficient and transparent business environment.

As the race to the presidency heats up, Bawumia’s pledge to prioritise business and jobs resonates with many Ghanaians who are eager for economic stability and growth.

His message has garnered support from various quarters, with many viewing his track record as Vice President as a solid foundation for future leadership.

Bawumia’s focus on business and job creation signals a commitment to addressing some of Ghana’s most pressing economic challenges.

His promise to create a conducive environment for businesses and generate employment opportunities may prove to be a decisive factor in the upcoming elections.

He also emphasised the NPP’s commitment to transparency and accountability is demonstrated by the party’s decision to present its achievements.

Our tradition, the Danquah-Dombo-Busia tradition, has not only been at the forefront of the rule of law and governance but also pioneers of life-changing policies and interventions,” Dr Bawumia noted.

Bawumia also praised President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for his role in implementing interventions like Free SHS, which have directly impacted millions of lives.

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