Museveni Urges Judiciary to Deny Bail in Corruption Cases

Museveni addressing ministers at Kyankzwnzi

President Yoweri Museveni has called on the judiciary to make corruption an unbailable offense, aligning it with serious crimes such as murder, treason, terrorism, rape, defilement, and theft. Addressing the ongoing cabinet retreat at the National Leadership Institute in Kyankwanzi, Museveni stressed the need for a firm judicial stance to eradicate corruption, which he described as a significant obstacle to Uganda’s progress.

Museveni highlighted alarming figures from the Inspectorate of Government, revealing that Uganda loses approximately Shs 9.7 trillion annually to corruption. He underscored the urgency of combating this issue, stating, “This is not acceptable.”

Despite relying on these figures, Museveni faces criticism for allegedly weakening the Inspectorate of Government by creating parallel institutions. His recent establishment of a unit to close revenue leakages and boost tax collection, led by David Kalemera, a tax fraud convict, has sparked controversy and intensified scrutiny.

Museveni defended his approach, explaining the need for multiple structures to combat corruption effectively. He announced the creation of tax investigation and accountancy units to address tax evasion and misappropriation of funds. Additionally, Museveni accused Parliament of reallocating over Shs 3.7 trillion irregularly in the past four financial years, attributing his actions to a direct response to corruption’s victims, the citizens of Uganda.

The president delineated two dimensions of corruption: the theft of government funds and bribery for services, alongside procurement fraud and nepotism. He also emphasized the importance of holding private sector employees accountable for theft, warning that such behavior could deter investment and stunt economic growth.

Museveni acknowledged past failures to curb parliamentary salary increases, choosing instead to let MPs learn from their mistakes. He emphasized the importance of unity within the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) and the broader geopolitical considerations during his tenure.

In closing, Museveni urged the police to ensure accountability for those who steal from both government and private entities, reinforcing his commitment to eradicating corruption in Uganda.

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