Museveni unhappy with Speaker Among’s care for his gifted cows


A few years back, Museveni donated 200 head of cattle to Among.

That was after she visited him at his ranch in Kiruhura district and expressed interest in jumping on the cattle-rearing venture herself.

Speaking yesterday at an event in Bukedea district, Museveni commended the speaker for having grown the herd from 200 to 2000.

He, however, voiced concern about how the cows looked like and suggested that she take better care of the prised indigenous livestock.

I think I am going to have to send experts to show you how to look after them,” remarked the President.

Meanwhile, Speaker Among, this Monday afternoon donated a cow to one of her followers on social media who reached out to her.

The lucky beneficiary on X (formerly Twitter) goes by the name Marvin Lule.

Lule had requested 10 cows from the Speaker to help him establish a farming enterprise of his own.

“Hello Marvin, I’m glad to hear that you have an interest in wealth creation. Please share your contact information, and I will give you a cow to start you off,” the speaker posted in response to the request for 10 cows.

Lule’s request followed an earlier post wherein, Hon Among talked of how she had received 200 cows as a gift from President Yoweri Museveni and managed to grow the herd to 2000.

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