Museveni passes out 298 counter terrorism warriors in Nakasongola

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President Yoweri Museveni on Thursday presided over the graduation ceremony of 298 counter-terrorism warriors at the School of Defence Intelligence and Security in Migyera, Nakasongola District.

The graduates included Counter Terrorism Course Intake 7/2024 and 58 Special Operations Tactics Course Intake 1/2024.

“The intelligence is the eyes, ears, and nose of the Army. So that whenever the Army is going anywhere, it knows where it is going, what it is going to do there, and what is there,” President Museveni emphasised, highlighting the crucial role of intelligence in military operations.

He encouraged the graduates to reach their full potential in life while cautioning them against detrimental habits like promiscuity and alcoholism.

“You have the power to shape your destiny, but remember that discipline and hard work are key to success,” he added.

Ms Sarah Nyirabashitsi Mateke, Minister of State for Defence and Veteran Affairs, urged the soldiers to build upon the legacy of bravery and sacrifice left by their predecessors.

 “You have earned this honour with hard work, and you will retain it by living the core values of UPDF: loyalty, patriotism, courage, discipline, and teamwork,” she said.

The Commander of Land Forces, Lt Gen Kayanja Muhanga, reminded the soldiers that the courses marked the starting point of their ongoing training and development.

Maj Gen James Birungi, Chief of Defence Intelligence and Security, emphasised the importance of meeting high standards and performing duties to the best of their abilities.

Col James Muhumuza, Commandant of the School of Defence Intelligence and Security, noted that the training programs were tailored to equip the soldiers with expertise to conduct specialized missions against terrorist threats.

 “This training is our humble contribution to fighting and completely defeating terrorism in Uganda and making this country a better place to live in,” he said.

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