Museveni lauds Anita Among for investing in Sports, urges businessmen to emulate her – Sabasaba Updates


President Yoweri Museveni spent the whole of Sunday in Bukedea District where he officially opened the 21st edition of the Federation of East Africa Secondary Schools Sports Association (FEASSA) Games at a new stadium constructed by Anita Among.

The event also marked the commissioning of the Bukedea comprehensive sports park, a multipurpose sports stadium built by Anita Among.

“I would like to thank Anita Among and her colleagues for developing the new sports facility “at a reasonable cost and in a timely manner and this should serve as an example to others so that we can develop similar stadia in other parts of the country” President Yoweri Museveni said.

Museveni used the occasion to emphasize the importance of regional integration and self reliance, urging East African countries to focus on producing internally produced goods and expanding their market.

The president was also taken to visit Anita Among’s livestock farm where he was shown cattle herds owned by Among.

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“A few ears ago, when I visited H.E.
@KagutaMuseveni, he gifted me with 200 cows. I was happy to report to him that the flock has since grown to over 2000. It is important for leaders to set an example and show the community ways to participate in the money economy.” Anita Among later posted on Twitter.

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