Museveni declares war on land grabbers, urges residents to hold leaders accountable

President Museveni

Luwero, (UG):- President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has declared war against land grabbers in the country and reassured tenants that the government will always protect them to hold their status on the occupied land.

The President made the remarks on Saturday, August 10, at Kalule Community Grounds where he launched the NRA Music Album composed by Excel Vocational Training Centre in Kalule parish, Nyimbwa sub-county, Luwero district.

According to President Museveni, land issues are common because people refuse to take the National Resistance Movement’s (NRM) advice on landlords and tenants. He said a historical mistake was made by the colonialists who were awarding people land even when the land had its initial inhabitants.

“…land issues stem from historical mistakes; colonialists erred by not recognising the original inhabitants,” Mr Museveni said, adding; ”It is the responsibility of the electorate to hold their leaders accountable through regular appraisals.”

“What is the use of the LC system if they cannot defend the interests of the people?” the President asked, before assuring Luwero residents that no one is allowed to evict them from their land, even if they have a land title.

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President Museveni unveils a plaque in the presence of Mwanje Shafik and his wife Aisha Mwanje the founders of Excel Vocational Training Centre at Bombo- Kalule Luwero District on the 10th August 2024. Photo by PPU/Tony Rujuta.

The President explained that if the people use the NRM structures like the LC system which the government put in place to protect people’s interests then the land issue would be dealt with accordingly. He further noted that Ugandans have the power in their hands to choose leaders who will fight and defend their interests.

On the other hand, the President congratulated the founder of Excel Vocational Training Center, Hajji Mwanje Shafic for his contribution towards the education sector in the country.

H.E Museveni unveiled a plaque (pictured above) at the commissioning of Y.K. Museveni Block (Freedom Fighter) at the Kaguta building in Excel Vocational Training Centre at Bombo-Kalule in the presence of the founders of the institute and the State Minister for Luweero Triangle and Rwenzori Region Hon. Alice Karamuzi Kaboyo.

“Hajj Shafik Mwanje is a challenge to all of you because he is blind but he has done so much. I visited him in Bukomansimbi and saw what he was doing there,” said the President, adding; “the question is if somebody who doesn’t see can do all of this, what about you who has all the ability with you?”

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President Museveni with Mwanje Shafik and his wife Aisha Mwanje the founders of the institute, the Vice Chairman of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) for the Buganda Region Godfrey Ssubi Kiwanda in front of the Kaguta building in Excel Vocational Training Centre

The President also reiterated his message of wealth creation which the NRM Government has been preaching since 1986. He encouraged the people of Luwero to embrace the four-acre model type of farming in order to stabilise their household incomes.

“On the first acre grow coffee, plant fruits on the second acre, grow pasture for zero grazing on the third acre and then grow food crops on the fourth acre. In the backyard do poultry and piggery for those who are not Muslims and if you are near the swamps, carry out fish farming,” he said, before urging the people of Luwero to embrace the NRM wealth creation message.

The Minister of State for Higher Education, John Chrysostom Muyingo, thanked the President for his visionary leadership that has led to development in Luwero, while his counterpart, Alice Kaboyo, thanked President Museveni for setting up Luwero Hospital which when complete, will provide necessary medical care to the locals.

Hon Kaboyo also assured the people of Luwero that the government will continue compensating war victims.

14 M7 at a rally after commissioning Kaguta building
Some of the excited locals at a rally at Kalule Playground in Kalule village, Nyimbwa sub-county, Katikamu south county, Luwero District. Photo by PPU/Tony Rujuta.

Hajji Mwanje Shafic, the director of Excel Vocational Training Center and also the NRM chairman for Bukomansimbi district, thanked President Museveni for his able leadership that has enabled tremendous development in Uganda.

He thanked the parents for entrusting Excel Vocational Training Centre with their children, citing it as the reason why the Institute has made it this far, and also extended special thanks to the President for his support towards the reconstruction of the school’s building that caught fire years ago.

Ms Najjuma, the principal of Excel Vocational Training Centre, said that the institution has been able to admit over 3,000 students both in technical training and business programs.

She explained that the aim of establishing a vocational training centre in Kalule was to curb unemployment in the country through vocational skills.

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