Mummy’s Care School celebrates 20 years of academic excellence in Adjumani

Mummys care school Adjumani celebrates 20 years of existence

Adjumani, (UG):- Mummy’s Care School, a private primary school in Adjumani on July 20th celebrated 20 years of existence at a function which attracted thousands of celebrants from all walks of life headlined by Ma’di and West Diocese Rt Rev Bishop Collins Andaku who was the chief guest. 

Bishop Andaku called up education stakeholders to support the education of the girl child and the boy child to end poverty and eradicate ignorance in the community. He lauded the proprietors of the school for investing in education saying it will go a long way in transforming the lives of many people both refugees and nationals in the district.

“This is the best investment done for the people in this land, an institution where you are investing for the future of our land, an investment which is going to fight ignorance, fight poverty and moral decadency in society,” Bishop Andaku noted.

“There are many people who are investing in things that destroy mankind, but this school is going to transform the lives of many in the region,” he added.

The bishop also challenges the parents saying they are key to the success of the education of their children. He appealed to parents to always teach their children to be God-fearing to be successful in life.

Mr. Onesimus Dralega the proprietor of the school while addressing the stakeholders pointed out that 20 years ago, reading proficiency was a challenge and even learners in primary primary seven were struggling to read during examinations.

“I was one day invited as a chief guest to celebrate the best performance and at that time the best candidates passed in division three, and the whole district performed very poorly, we then said what could be done to improve performance, I did a pilot study and asked the authorities of the town council to allow me to start an early learning centre,” Dralega said

He noted that as the founders of the school, their main purpose of opening the school was to solve a problem in this district. “We opened with only 4 learners, some parents risked sending their children to us, and now we are proud that there are more than 500 with about 40% of the learners being refugees.”

According to the headteacher of the school Mr Justine Alule, the school has been performing well because the motivation of the teachers, effective time management, and consistent study habits are behind the good performance of the school.

The school started presenting candidates in the primary leaving examination in 2015 when the school had no examination centre number where 32 learners were presented and 27 passed in second division and 5 division three.

The District Inspector of Schools in Adjumani, Mrs Edea Sunday who represented the district education officer outlined the role of the district department is to ensure that the operation and engagement of mummy’s care is within the confine of the Ministry of Education and Sports 

She lamented that their office’s collaboration is one hundred per cent and urged parents that Mummy’s Care School Adjumani should be their number one in sending their children to study because this school has the best in terms of academics, giving back to God and the community.

The vice chairperson of local Council Three Pachara sub county Hon Asienzo Mary urged parents of this school that for a school to develop well, they should pay school fees and attend school meetings and requested people of Pachara to offer lands for development as it is evidenced that people here are so hard to offer land for development.

The Adjumani district chairperson, Hon. Anyama Ben congratulated the Bishop of Ma’di and West Nile for being pro-people and sparing his time to come and celebrate with the people of Adjumani. 

“I congratulate the directors of this school for starting up this school which has in turn put Adjumani on the map of Uganda,” he said further explaining that this school has contained various tribes within Uganda and parts of South Sudan.

“Bring your children to Mummy’s Care School Adjumani for better learning and produce more so that children go to study here,” Mr Anyama emphasized.

He requested the people of Adjumani especially from Pachara sub-county to give a plot of land for development because without it development cannot be executed.

 The Deputy Resident Commissioner Mr Emmanuel Okware also congratulated the directors, administration, School management committees (SMCs), teachers, OBs and OGs, parents and other stakeholders for the tremendous work they are doing to see mummy’s care school produce the best children academically for this country.

“The teamwork and vision of the school have made this school the best in Ma’di Sub-region, West Nile and the entire country at large,” Emmanuel said.

Official figures indicate that Adjumani district currently boasts 172 primary schools and 134 Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres.

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