Muhwezi: La Decima important for Oilers


The spot will be on Ivan Muhwezi and Andrew Tendo when the National Basketball League finals tip off on Wednesday at the Lugogo Indoor Stadium.

Muhwezi, named team captain midway through this season, must lead the team to another championship to avoid becoming the first skipper to lose it.

Tendo, on the other hand, took over from Mandy Juruni, who helped the Oilers to nine straight championships. The pressure to keep the ship moving will be massive.

“It (winning the championship) means a lot. From the problems we have had, injuries, people leaving, I mean it means everything for us to get this championship,” Muhwezi revealed in an interview with the club media on Monday.

“It also means a lot to me as a captain, to win the first championship as captain of City Oilers,” he added.

The nine-time champions have had to endure a season dominated by a series of problems. From the departure of Jimmy Enabu, James Okello and Tonny Drileba after the first round, the team also lost Edrine Walujjo, who has since been handed a five-year ban by Fuba on match-fixing allegations.

“I am looking forward to pushing the guys because now we are few and we are playing back-to-back games so it needs mental strength,” Muhwezi revealed.

“There are guys who have not been in this situation before so we need to push them now so they understand how important it means to us to win this tenth championship.”

The addition of American guard Petty Parish has given the defending champion a seasoned scorer and despite getting hit in the face in Game Three of the series with UCU Canons, he will be expected to lead the charge tonight and throughout the finals.

KIU Titans will be the challengers for a second straight season following a 3-2 semifinal series win over the Namuwongo Blazers.

Armed with Joel Lukoji, arguably the best player in the league this season, the Titans will fancy their chances against a somewhat depleted Oilers side.

But led by Titus Lual, Fayed Baale and Muhwezi, the champions have remained unbeaten since falling to the Nam Blazers in the first round. More of the same will be expected in the finals, but now with the help of Parish.

National Basketball League

JKL L. Dolphins vs. UCU L. Canons, 7pm

City Oilers vs. KIU Titans, 9pm

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