Muhoozi Receives Presidential Like Welcome In Rwanda , Set To Represent Museveni At Kagame’s Swearing In Ceremony

WhatsApp Image 2024 08 10 at 6.22.21 PM 1

In a significant display of regional cooperation, General Muhoozi Kainerugaba, the Chief of Defence Forces of the Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF), arrived at Kigali International Airport today.

His visit coincides with the highly anticipated swearing-in ceremony of Rwandan President Paul Kagame, scheduled for this Sunday. General Kainerugaba was warmly received by his Rwandan counterpart, General Mubarak Muganga, and other senior officials from the Rwandan Defence Forces (RDF).

Accompanying General Kainerugaba on this important trip are Major General James Birungi, head of Defence Intelligence and Security, and Brigadier General Richard Karemire, who leads the UPDF’s department of formal education, sports, and culture. Also present are Alexander Akandwanaho and journalist Andrew Mwenda.

During his stay, General Kainerugaba, who also serves as the Senior Presidential Advisor for Special Operations, is expected to engage in high-level discussions with President Kagame and General Muganga.

General Kainerugaba’s visit marks a significant milestone in the strengthening of ties between Uganda and Rwanda. His efforts have been instrumental in easing tensions between the two nations, which had previously led to disruptions in trade and movement across the border.

Earlier this week, General Kainerugaba announced his plans to attend President Kagame’s inauguration, marking the beginning of Kagame’s fourth term in office.In a statement, General Kainerugaba expressed his delight at returning to Rwanda, which he referred to as his “second home.”

He praised President Kagame’s leadership, calling the inauguration “the most significant celebration in Africa this year.” President Kagame secured his fourth term in the July elections with an overwhelming 99.15% of the vote, solidifying his dominance in Rwandan politics.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni congratulated President Kagame on his re-election, noting the strong trust the Rwandan people have placed in his leadership.

President Museveni also emphasized the importance of the strategic partnership between Uganda and Rwanda, highlighting their shared commitment to peace and prosperity.

At a dinner celebrating General Kainerugaba’s 49th birthday in 2023, President Kagame praised the General for his efforts in restoring cordial relations between the two nations. As General Kainerugaba prepares to witness President Kagame’s inauguration, the stage is set for a new chapter in regional cooperation and friendship.

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